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Once upon a time...

She was born and raised in a small town called Nazareth to a family of good reputation. Then in the midst of one of the most exciting moments in her life, being betrothed to her Joseph, the unimaginable happens. Now, how does she convey to her family, to Joseph, that this pregnancy was from God and not from sin. 


Living in Israel brought this dearly loved story of Mary and Joseph to life for me. This version is different from all others, and I so excited to share this with you! Miriam, the Hebrew name for Mary, grew up as a young Jewish girl with her family in Nazareth, while her nation was under Roman occupation. The past history, caused her people too long for a warrior Messiah. How would they recognize Him? How will they know it is truly Him?

I AM MIRAM is a short Biblical fiction novel that starts in Nazareth and ends upon the return of Miriam and Joseph from Egypt. 


"Deanna has beautifully created a genuine flow that lives in line with biblical scripture & history, yet just like the amazing series THE CHOSEN about the Life of Yeshua and his disciples, she has carved a path of what it would have been like from Miriam's perspective."
The inspiration behind this book

I've always loved writing. Never did I ever think that this would be the story that would burn so deep that it would motivate me to somehow fit in time to write a book between running my tour company and raising two youngsters. Looking back, I have no idea how I managed to fit it in. And it was about a week after I gave birth to my third baby, I finally published the "I Am Miriam" on Amazon. 

Even though I knew the Nativity story very well, I never honestly felt any connection to Mary. She was often portrayed as a goodie goodie, a silent suffering servant, I just never felt that I could relate to her. Then comes the twist. One day, I put on a kids video of the story of Mary for my daughter. It is so weird how these things happen, but as I watched Mary pick up her broom and start to sweep the floor, somehow that triggered this epiphany! Call it what you like. Suddenly I had a whole new perspective on her, her story, on Joseph, and their relationship, her family, the influence of her culture, and the political situation in the world. I felt like I suddenly knew her and have grown to respect this incredible woman of faith, walking where no other woman has tread.

This book follows the storyline written in the Bible, but with my imagination I fill in all the details, possible conversations, family and friends that may have been in Mary or Joseph's life. 

I really hope you get a chance to read it. My biggest dream is for this story to be on the big screen one day. I already have a screenplay ready, so drop me a note if you know someone who knows someone. 



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